Moving On to the Pre-Blitz – 96th Academy Awards Shortlists

The first major mile marker for next year's Oscars has finally been crossed. Today, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences released their shortlists in 10 of the 23 categories. Participating branches and members have been viewing submissions, attending bake-offs, and voting for the past few weeks, and now the semifinalists have been revealed. … Continue reading Moving On to the Pre-Blitz – 96th Academy Awards Shortlists

This Film is Not Yet Watchable – November 2023

If you're wondering why I haven't posted anything in the last week, there's a very good reason. I just spent five days at this year's AFI Fest in Hollywood. Over the course of the festival, I took in an insane 15 movies, including 10 that have been submitted for the Oscar for International Feature. Needless … Continue reading This Film is Not Yet Watchable – November 2023